Join, Renew and/or Support
“Once a Cardinal, Always a Cardinal”
Please join, renew and/or support your membership in the Hoover Alumni Organization. Completely fill out the form below and mail it with your check. Also, everyone is asked to provide their email address and return this form to us by regular mail.
By joining or renewing today you can help our efforts to ensure that Hoover High students continue to get a good education and a firm foundation for life during their high school years, just like we did when we were at Hoover. As a member benefit, you will receive Spring and Fall newsletters, and read about campus growth and improvements, student and alumni achievements, and an informative letter From the Principal. Plus you will want to visit the Memory Garden, catch up on Class Reunions and learn about other events such as the Hoover Groover Annual Picnic, Clean-Up Day, the Alumni Board Annual Meeting and Hoover Homecoming Rally and Football Game.
Please consider making an additional donation specifically for student scholarships. To donate, please write a separate check to “Hoover Alumni Organization Scholarships” and send it in the same envelope with your application/renewal. All dues and donations are tax deductible.
Leave a Legacy Gift to Hoover.
In your will or estate plan, after providing for loved ones you may wish to include a planned gift of money, stock, property, insurance or retirement accounts to benefit deserving students or campus improvements. For information on how to include the Hoover Alumni Organization (a 501c3 nonprofit organization) in your charitable giving plans, contact Larry Hall.
CLICK HERE for Membership Application.
CLICK HERE to order a brick or bench for the Mary & Jack Goodall Walkway of Champions.