You Can Fund a College Scholarship for a Hoover Graduating Senior
By Lois Fishburn Draper ‘57 Scholarship Committee Chair
One of Hoover Alumni Organization’s main goals is to support scholarship opportunities for graduating seniors. We tradition- ally award a scholarship of $1,000 to each awardee, to help with the first year’s college expenses.

School counselor, Tawnya Pringle, arranges for seniors to obtain applications and screens the students prior to sending the entries to the Scholarship Committee for final awards.
Selection of scholarship recipients is based on the following:
- Grade point average
- Need for financial assistance
- Personal qualifications and service to school and community
- Educational and vocational goals
Scholarship money is sent to the college or university when the student presents evidence of having enrolled there and a Thank You note from the student is received by the Alumni Board.
If you feel you would like to make a donation to the Hoover Scholarships Fund, as a gift or as a Memorial for a friend or loved one, it would be appreciated. All donations are tax deductible.
Send donations to:
Scholarships for 2019
This year Marcia Kern ’68, Lil Baehr ’65, Glynnis Aquirre ’81 and Scholarship Chairman, Lois Draper ’57, interviewed students for the 22 scholarships to be presented by the Hoover Alumni Organization on May 30th. We are pleased to be giving to selected students planning to attend a Community College $1,000. For those planning to attend a State Collee or University, $1,500. Also included will be scholarships honoring Mary and Jack Goodall, Le Mongrue, Captain Paul Hartley, the Kirk Estate and Robinson Estate.
Scholarship Awards Presentation was May 31, 2018. Pictured are the winners.
2018 Scholarship winners:
Jack and Mary Goodall Scholarship: Luis Dorame
John Baker Scholarship: Kaelyn Hughes
Captain Paul Hartley Scholarship: Evelyn Bahena-Arroyo
The Robinson Family Scholarship: Susan Perez
Other Alumni Organization Scholarships:
Julietta Camargo; Bisrat Debele; Rosalia Gallerdo; Cristal Gallegos-Garcia; Aneth Haro; Tuyen Ho; Ndekey Kadindo; Priscilla Lopez; Omar Martinez; Christopher Modica; Duong Nguyen; Janet Perez; Isela Perez; Jeremy Ramirez; Grecia Sanchez; Klo Say; Manuel Tapia; Karyme Valle
In 2017 10 Scholarships were Awarded in June. Pictured below are last years winners.