Minutes of the Meeting 2021

Minutes of 11/18/21 10:05 AM

Attendees:  John Akins, Judy Sawyer, Steve Barclay, Eric Wong, Larry Hall, Nancy Nordell, and Sharon Thomas-Flack

Upcoming events: Golf Fundraiser on November 5th 2022

Gala Event in April of 2022 for “92 in 22” event.  Celebrating Hoover’s history. Still need to sit down with Jason, Principal of Hoover High School and come up with the activities and a solid date. The event will include the Dedication of the retro- new school buildings. Steve will set up a meeting for the committee to visit with the ASB connection, Brianna. We will bring our ideas for the Gala to her and Jason.

Membership: Lil is working on updating the Data-base of current members.

Treasurer/Finance    Larry reports Oct 1st – Nov. 14th: 1,425 came in from the Class of ’56, Jack Goodel $5,000 a part to Tod Doxie Award and part to scholarships. Total $5,820. Kirk Trust Fund are up 2 checks. The General Fund has $3,883.53. There are no big expenses coming up at this time.      

Newsletter:  Very Urgent to clarify the 2 million dollars in Jason’s column in the last newsletter. The Alumni gives $25,000.

Eric suggested we add a notice on the Alumni website asking if anyone didn’t receive their newsletter to call. Larry suggests a “Where are they now” column, focusing on the younger students, those that went to college by scholarship or otherwise, trade schools.

John Minto, Mayor of Santee and Linda Shields, author. We should invite them for a grand tour and interview. We will need to check with Margie on how much space is available in the next newsletter for the Remembering Alice article. This should be going in the newsletter sooner than later.

Sales:  John reports no updates.

Eric reports he just sold the 200th yearbook. The $5.00 deal is a “go”.

Scholarships:   no report

Golf Tournament:  (No updates)

From the Chairman  Steve reports the resignations of Chuck Hansen and Koala. We all wish them well.

We need to Zoom with Vanessa (to tap into younger classes)

Steve will set up a meeting for the committee to visit with the ASB connection, Brianna. (V-P) We will bring our ideas for the Gala and Fun-raising to her and Jason.

 Lois should contact Tanya after the first of the year.

We need to share if we hear about any reunions

Newer Time Capsule will be pretty bare on items from the 70’s and later. Steve is hoping for a plan to create interest within the student body. (No updates)

 Tower Signature Book is located in Steve’s office and is pretty fragile, perhaps at reunion (the more current ones) could have a page for those students that didn’t have opportunity to sign the Book. (No update)

Steve reminds us of the Christmas Party at Nicolosi’s on the 5th.

Next meeting is on December 16th, we will share Christmas snacks, and the Board will donate sweets for a large basket of treats to thank Hoover’s Teachers and Staff.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:15


MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES   – October 21, 2021      10 AM


Call to Order: 10:06 am

Vice-Chairman – Nancy:  Review and approve previous month’s MEETING MINUTES. Vote was unanimous to accept the minutes. The 200 hundred donated bottles were given to any student wanting one. All taken.

Finance Report – Larry: An agreement has been made w/ the ASB and school Finance Office:  The stock of YEARBOOKS that belong to the ASB (and controlled by the Finance Office) can be PURCHASED by the ALUMNI ORG. for FIVE dollars; resale price for the ALUMNI ORG. will stay the same ($25.)   Larry and Eric will workout the details of HOW purchases will be made and how to pay for them.

 Recent donations:  Classof’56:  $1,425.  Class of’ “61 (entry needed).      

Dues rec’d  $400.

Expenses (paid) Alumni Org insurance (half share)  $625. (Website payment: (entry needed)?????

Newsletter update – Margie:  Next newsletter scheduled for April 1st, 2022

Scholarship Report – Lois:  Jack Goodall (class of ‘57) will contribute  $5,000 to the scholarship fund  $1,500 to be channeled to the TOD DOXIE Honorary Scholarship. 

Bob Dusche (class of ’57) contributed some memorabilia collected because of their historical interest. For example, a plaster casting of a USGS  “waypoint” marker that was seated at the entrance to the 1929 School entrance.  It ‘was placed into storage in room 305.   

Annual Sales – Eric:  General discussion about a statement in the newsletter (by the Principal) about the TOTAL amount of scholarship awards given out this last year. Discussion did not render any action.

There was a discussion about plans for the Hoover High School celebration for the new building.   No action or proposal offered. 

Memorabilia Sales – John: “Bricks are off and running.”

Sports Report – Monica:  No report.

Memorial Garden –Carol:  No report.

Class Contacts – Chuck:  No report.

Photographer – Chuck H:  Hesuggested that the Website needs to “freshen” the pages with a rotation of photos each Issue.   Chuck was issued a key to the display cabinets.   Margie offered that it was a good idea and she would work to use anything provided.

Other:  Lois clarified her plan to “rotate” the contents of the display case in the Performing Arts foyer. Also people are needed to dust the trophy cabinets. She is looking for anyone to donate his or her prom formal for display.

Next meeting    November 18, 2021 at 10AM.     

ADJORNED at 11:05 AM   


Hoover Alumni Organization Board Meeting 9/23/21

Attendees:  John Akins, Judy Sawyer, Lois Draper, Chuck Hansen, Steve Barclay, Eric Wong, Larry  Hall, Nancy Nordell, Lil Behr and Sharon Thomas-Flack

New attendee Scott Strong

Special Guest: Walter Farraly was introduced as he is now currently interim Vice-Principal.

Upcoming events: Golf Fundraiser on November 5th

Gala Event in April of 2022 for “92 in 22” event.  Celebrating Hoover’s history. Still need to sit down with Jason, Principal of Hoover High School and come up with the activities and a solid date. The event will include the Dedication of the retro- new school buildings.

Membership: Lil said that she received $275 + in new memberships. The Organization gave a grace period of 2 years before cancelling members for non-payment. It was suggested that a Return envelope be sent to Annual Memberships as an easy reminder to pay.

Treasurer: Alumni Org has $4,939.20 in the bank and this amount does not included what is owed back to the Golf Tournament loan. Loan was to make the Alumni Org is out of the red. $ 625 went out for Insurance, and unknown amount for Newsletter expenses.

Larry brought up an urgent need for personal water bottles for the students. The on- campus drinking fountains have all been retro-fit with filling spouts for bottles. He has approximately 450 coming from various banks. Larry is hoping for 1,000. Sharon offered to contact her Manager at Union Bank and Judy offered to contact the Credit Union.

Newsletter: Alice’s biography may be postponed until the next newsletter. Alice Went to Glory 2 days ago.

Options are bio’s on living Hoover graduates, such as John Minto, Mayor of Santee and Linda Shields, author. Ideas for interviewing “regular” Hoover grads and their careers and accomplishments. (No update)

Sales: John reports 3 of the 5 concrete benches on the waiting list have been installed. Income from swag sales at the Picnic was about $400. Pens are offered to Class Reunions for cost.

Eric reports Yearbook sales are at ~ 3 per month and steady. Steve will attempt to contact Class Presidents to update them on the availability of Yearbooks for their reunions.

Scholarships: Lois suggested that an essay style contest be written by the seniors who are looking for a Scholarship, subject should be on some portion of Hoover’s History. I.e.… A Hoover grad who went on to fame. Nancy offered to assist in this endeavor, contacting History or English Teachers in the school. About 2 million dollars is granted in scholarships, 3 of the 22 students awarded have received the money. Lois explained that a certified copy of registration from the college’s registrar must be received before payment. (Foundation has 345k).

Class of 1956 passed the “water pitcher” and came up with a $1,425 donation! Jack Goodall is always a generous donor.

Golf Tournament:  Monica is working on the Tournament to be held on November 5th.

From the Chairman: We need to Zoom with Vanessa (to tap into younger classes)

We need to share if we hear about any reunions

Newer Time Capsule will be pretty bare on items from the 70’s and later. Steve is hoping for a plan to create interest within the student body. (No updates)

Tower Signature Book is located in Steve’s office and is pretty fragile, perhaps at reunion (the more current ones) could have a page for those students that didn’t have opportunity to sign the Book.

Steve was hoping to expand the space for our archives and all the Historical items, including the Hoover BELL!

Steve would like us to recruit membership by attending Reunions and perhaps setting up a table with yearbooks, pens etc…

The company All-Star Signs are still un-cooperative in replacing the mis-spelled and incorrect plastic plaques. Is there a contract with Mike Cohen? Steve is ready to go to another company for repairs.

We shall start monthly meetings again- every 3rd Thursday of the month. (Bring a mask)

Reminder: all photos by Chuck are proprietary and you need his permission to reproduce them.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:23

Hoover Organization Board Meeting 8/17/21

Attendees:   John Akins, Judy Sawyer, Lois Draper, Chuck Hansen, Steve Barclay, Eric Wong, Margie Reynolds, Carol Jensen and Sharon Thomas-Flack

 Upcoming events: Hoover-Groover All Class Picnic at Morely Field on Saturday August 21st 10 am

Hoover Staff Lunchon Friday August 27th at 10am on campus

Gala Event considered for 92 in 22! 92 Years of Hoover High School and have a `Dedication of the retro- new school buildings.

Expenses: Only spent money for the Computer Linceses at this point (no $ amount given)

Newsletter:  Deadline September 10th

Options are bio’s on living Hoover graduates, such as John Mento, Mayor of Santee and Linda Shields, author. Ideas for interviewing “regular” Hoover grads and their careers and accomplishments.

Sales:  John reports 5 concrete benches are on the waiting list, we discussed purchasing Skate Stoppers to controil some of the damages done by skateboarders on the concrete edges. (John will contact alumni Paul Koury of Westcoat Concrete for advive on stabilizing the benches) Board determined that due to the style and shipping time from Florida, we should temporarily discontinue bench sales until a local vendor is found.

Eric reports Yearbook sales are at ~ 3 per month and steady. Steve will attempt to contact Class Presidents to update them on the availability of Yearbooks for their reunions.

John has T-Shirts, pens and cups for sale at the 2021 picnic.

Scholarships:  General responses were that the newsletter could add a paragraph to encourage Class Reunions to contact the Committee for yearbooks pre-sale‘s at each event. Scholarship event went well but didn’t have photos, hoping to contact the parent who did take some photos at the event.

Golf Tournament:  Cancelled for 2021 year; possible new “victim” volunteer to Chair the Golf Fundraiser for 2022. Admiral Baker Golf Course had an issue and couldn’t host.

From the Pres:  Newer Time Capsule will be pretty bare on items from the 70’s and later. Steve is hoping for a plan to create interest within the student body.

Tower Signature Book is located in Steve’s office and is pretty fragile, perhaps at reunion (the more current ones) could have a page for those students that didn’t have opportunity to sign the Book.

The Luncheon needs a couple of volunteers to prep on the Thursday before and also needs a few more volunteers to set-up, serve and clean up after. Meeting for September and onward may have to be rescheduled for a Friday as the School prefers us not to meet on Mon-Thurs. on campus.

Meeting was adjourned with an offer of fresh picked tomatoes from Chuck!

Minutes of the meeting held Friday, May 7, 2021

Call to order: Meeting called to order at 10:05 a.m.

Members Present:  Steve Barclay, Chairman; Glynnis Aguirre, Secretary; John Adkins; Lil Baehr;          Lois Draper; Larry Hall.

Chairman’s Report:  Steve reported:  1) Scholarship awards night to be held June 3rd, in-person, at 5:00 p.m. in the quad.  This is a limited-capacity event.  2) Chuck Hansen has joined the Board of Directors as an at-large member.  3) The fundraising appeal placed in the last newsletter raised over $2,200 for our operating fund.  Larry suggested Steve send all donation info to both Larry and Lil in order to coordinate databases.  Glynnis posted a donation appeal on Facebook this morning.  4)  Steve sent out newsletters to prospective new members; we need to grow our membership.

Minutes:  No minutes approval, as we have not had in-person meetings since March 12, 2020.

Finances:  Larry reported:  1) As of the end of March, the HAO balance is $3,400.

Scholarship Report:  Lois & Larry reported:  1) Eight scholarships from last year went unclaimed by the claiming deadline (76% claiming rate); money carried over to this year.  The principal requested a time extension for students to claim; students must claim or request an extension to claim by May 11th; extension would run till February 2022.  2) As of 3/6/21, two $1,500 scholarships and one $1,000 scholarship are unclaimed. Claiming extensions are only for last year; We will not do any extensions in the future.  Larry stated we may not have rollover funds for this year.  3) HAO will be giving out $25,000 in scholarships at this year’s awards ceremony.  Tawnya will be doing all interviews due to covid restrictions; HAO will learn about applicants through their submitted applications.  4) Only named scholarships to be given this year are “Goodall” and “Kirk.”  5) Lois reported the Class of ’56 is having a reunion luncheon in October.  It is free to attend, but there will be a donation bucket for scholarships.  She will ask that HAO general fund/operating fund be included.  Steve plans to attend.  6)  Larry believes the scholarship program may change in the future due to possibility of free community college.  He thinks we may want to revamp the program to allow our scholarships to be used for any school expenses a student incurs at the student store, such as books, tuition, fees, parking permits, etc.  We will need to address this with the colleges before September.  This doesn’t affect what we do; only changes what is allowed at the colleges.  7) Larry discussed college application fees and the possibility of how the HAO could help with this, for students who do not qualify for fee waivers.  He will talk to Tawnya and CAC about this.  There would also need to be a cap on any amount of money HAO would/could supply.

Golf Tournament:  Glynnis reported:  1) Per discussions Monica has had with Admiral Baker, they will not be allowing any tournaments to be held this year.  Monica and Glynnis feel that, even if that policy were to change anytime soon, there would not be enough time to plan for a 2021 tournament.  Other golf venues were looked into, but that didn’t seem feasible.  Steve asked about possibly changing the date.  Glynnis felt that we should keep the date in November, as that is the date we’ve published and told people to keep open for the past three years.  Also moving tourney to the spring would create another problem of what to do when November came.  Tournament will be postponed until November of 2022.  2)  Glynnis discussed need for clubs and teams to gain more access to the funds raised by the tournament; we need online request form capability or direct email request sent directly to hoovergolfing@gmail.com email (Monica).  Process needs to be simplified and promoted by the school so that clubs and teams know there is money for them.  3) John mentioned possibility of using a QR code to promote the golf tournament.

Membership:  Lil reported: 1) Through March 31st we added 1 new life member, converted 1 annual member to life member, 3 new annual members, 6 annual renewals, and 4 HAO donations; for a total of     699 members and $1,700.00 received.  2) Through April 30th we added 4 new life members, 1 converted annual to life member, 19 annual renewals, and 5 HAO donations; for a total of 700 members and $2,095.00 received.  3) We received a request from the son of a life member (c/o ’42) to end her membership, as she is unable to utilize the materials or participate in the activities.  That drops our membership total to 699.  4)  Lil has found at least one duplicate in the membership database.  Once she goes through the entire database, she will be able to give a more accurate membership number.

Newsletter Update:  1) Steve discussed his how happy he was with the last newsletter.  HAO already has articles on Barbie, Pillsbury, and Santee Mayor Minto planned for next newsletter.  2)  Glynnis mentioned that she believes the newsletter is great. But if we get low on operating funds in the future, we should scale back the number of pages.  Discussion.

Time Capsule:  Time capsule is ready to be put in place.  We are still waiting for Hoover staff items that haven’t been contributed yet.  Steve is meeting with Jason about this.

Cleanup Day:  Steve reported that he doesn’t know if cleanup day will happen this year.  TBD.

Bricks / Benches / Merchandise:  Discussion regarding auditorium seats – have been stored under bleachers; probably unsellable now.

New Business:  1) Steve discussed the tiles that were removed from the auditorium before construction. He spoke with a company to supply new tiles so HAO can start fundraising sales again.  Tiles are a different plastic-type material.  Discussion.  Steve sent information to John, who can possibly do installation.  2) John discussed Eric’s display in the new performing arts theater and showed a photo of the display case.  It is a display of notable alumni who have excelled in the performing arts.  This may be a seasonal display.  Eric has done a phenomenal job and put in a lot of work on all of the display cases.  Thank you, Eric. 3)  Steve discussed possibly continuing meetings after June.  Larry thinks this won’t be possible because of summer school.  Discussion.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 11:27 a.m.