Minutes 2018

Hoover Alumni Organization

Minutes of the meeting held Thursday, December 13, 2018 

Call to order: Meeting called to order at 10:10 a.m.

Members Present:  Steve Barclay, Chairman; Nancy Nordell, Vice-Chair; Glynnis Aguirre, Secretary; Margie Reynolds; Lois Draper; Chuck Diepholz; Monica Belandres-Root; Lil Baehr; John Adkins; Mark Strauss; Larry Hall; Lizbeth Pastenes, Guest.

Lizbeth Pastenes, Class of 2008:  Lizbeth currently works with Price Charities, is a graduate of Hoover, and just had her 10-year reunion during Homecoming weekend.  She is also currently in charge of the Cardinal Interact Program at Hoover, which has 50 sophomore students; she was a graduate of the Interact Program.  Lizbeth informed the Board that, through a Price Charities discretionary grant, she was presenting the Hoover Alumni Organization with a check for $1,000.  This donation will go to scholarships.  The Organization is very grateful to Lizbeth and to Price Charities for their much-needed contribution.  Steve added that Lizbeth and Price Charities also send a team to help us during our Annual Clean-Up Day event in the summer.

Chairman’s Report:  1) Christmas party that Steve hosts yearly was a fun affair.  Mary Neal posted video of the event on facebook.  Steve hopes everyone can attend next year.  2)  Lunch today at Venice Pizza after the meeting.  3) Steve will get bag project photos to Margie.  4) Steve will be in contact with Laura Lou regarding her involvement in the Memory Garden and get back to Margie in January.  Discussion. 

Minutes:  Lois moved that the minutes of the last meeting held November 15, 2018 be approved as written; John seconded the motion.  All in favor, the motion passed.

Vice-Chair’s Report:  1) Nancy reported that she is working with Vicky Banks on Tues/Thurs, says Vicky is concerned about students not being taught phonics, and is teaching Nancy how to teach phonics. 

Financial Report:   1) Larry reported that, as of 12/8/18, the golf tournament made a profit of $9,585.22, although there are still a few small outstanding expenses to cover. 2) Organization expenses are more than our income. Not counting golf money, the operating account is currently in the red – this is only the operating account and does not include scholarship monies, which are completely separate.  Discussion was had regarding whether golf money is separate from operating expenses.  Monica and Glynnis reminded everyone that the original agreement and purpose for the tournament was to be able to fund groups and activities that are separate and apart from scholarship and typical Alumni Organization funding, and are to be kept separate from operating funds.  Discussion had on cutting costs.  3)  Discussion on yearbook sales and accuracy of itemizing sales and postage, etc.  4) Our newsletter postage costs are down dramatically due to our new printer handling that for us.  Postage is down to 23 cents each now.  Printer is Hoover grad c/o ’86.

Newsletter:  1) Margie will be in charge of the newsletter again.  It will recap the golf tournament. She would like to have golf committee meeting before the next Board meeting in order to do a mockup of the newsletter.  Discussion had regarding article entries – need to be 12 point Arial font. Please bring articles to the next meeting.  She plans to send newsletter to printer by end of March.  2)  Discussion regarding next meeting date.  Agreed that we would push the meeting back one week to January 17, 2019.  3) Margie reported that, because of the help from the printer, not one newsletter was returned.  4)  Steve reported that he received many comments about how much people appreciated the article about Bob Battenfield.

Merchandise Sales / Bricks & Benches:  1) John brought in bricks that were recently purchased for Hernandez, Silverman, and in memory of Bob Battenfield. 2) John reported that, due to the recent heavy rain storm, lime (probably from the baseball field) has puddled all over the Walk of Champions and needs to be power washed as soon as possible.  Also Hub Foote’s bench is chipped and needs repair.  3)  Steve wants to update new facilities manager, Ricardo Barra, on what we do – benches, bricks, etc.  4) John reminded us to keep pushing brick sales; they are a high-profit item.  We will try to accommodate purchaser’s location choice.  Discussion had regarding brick installation and costs.  Monica will talk to her classmate regarding installation. 

Scholarships:  1) Lois reported we have received 17 of 22 thank-you notes from recipients.  2)  We are still planning on holding interviews over two days.  3)  Margie suggested putting a blurb on the website and in the newsletter to encourage parents and grandparents to remind students that scholarship interviews are coming soon and to apply.

Golf Tournament Update:  1) Monica reported that we are sending out donation receipts now.  Larger donors/sponsors will receive a letter with pictures.  2)  We are working on getting e-commerce for next year, and will increase the gift-card tree minimum card amount to $25.00.

Class POC Liaison Update:  Chuck is continuing to work on class contacts.  Discussion.

Old Business:  Larry updated the Board on the possible Carl Gottwald donation.  He has had talks a family member and is working on setting up a meeting.  He is trying to find Gottwald’s graduation year and a photo.

New Business:  1) Glynnis shared that her 1981 classmate, Damon Oppenheimer, was honored at the MLB Winter Meetings as Scout of the Year for the West Coast.  Damon is VP & Director of Amateur Scouting for the New York Yankees.  Discussion held regarding newsletter and website articles on Damon. 2) Steve confirmed that Mark and Lil will be continuing as members-at-large on the Board.  He asked about their skills and interests.  2a) Mark has talked with Marcia regarding co-chairing the membership committee and will volunteer on the golf tournament committee.  He has helped run basketball tournaments for 6 years at Patrick Henry and is willing to help in any way he can.  2b) Lil is an organizer and will help with golf tournament and writing/proof reading newsletter articles.  She is also willing to learn Excel to help Margie in any way she can.  3)  Further discussion regarding upcoming newsletter content, editing and format.  Newsletter will be 8 pages plus membership application insert, and possibly golf application, if ready at that time.

Website:  Discussion regarding Board members’ addresses being on the website.  The consensus is a definite no.  Margie mentioned putting a link of some sort on the website for people to ask questions.  Discussion. 

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.


Hoover Alumni Organization

Minutes of the meeting held Thursday, November 15, 2018 

Call to order: Meeting called to order at 10:06 a.m.

Members Present:  Steve Barclay, Chairman; Nancy Nordell, Vice-Chair; Glynnis Aguirre, Secretary; Marcia Kern; Margie Reynolds; Lois Draper; Chuck Diepholz; Monica Belandres-Root; Lil Baehr; John Adkins; Mark Strauss.

Chairman’s Report:  1) The Board discussed funeral services for Bob Battenfield, which will be held Saturday, November 24th at Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Church.  The family has asked that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Baja Presbyterian Ministries.  Steve asked that the Alumni Organization make a donation in Bob’s memory.  Discussion had regarding dollar amount and whether we should wait to discuss with Jim or Larry.  Suggestions were made for $200, $250 and $500 donations; discussion.  Chuck moved to donated $250 in memory of Bob, and others can add their own personal contributions; Margie seconded the motion; all in favor, the motion passed.  2)  Steve got back Hoover items that Bob had, including a book about Herbert Hoover written by Hoover’s niece.  We do not have info on Herbert Hoover on our website; Margie plans to add information.  3) Steve and Marcia introduced Mark Strauss (’68).  He graduated with Marcia’s class and was interested in coming to a meeting.  Mark was a teacher for 31 years and is interested in becoming a member.  All Board members welcomed Mark.  4)  Steve informed the Board that Judy Messer has decided not to continue with the Board.  We thank Judy for her input with the newsletter and for all her help while she was with us.

Vice-Chair’s Report:  1) Nancy reported that she received memorabilia from the Class of ’68 during their reunion; she gave to Steve to put in our archives.  Discussion regarding many elderly alumni now passing away and leaving memorabilia to the Alumni Organization.  2)  Paper bag speeches by 9th & 10th grade ESL students were held last Friday.  Students describe 3 items inside their bag that represent themselves in order to work on their English skills.  It is much like the quilt project for 11th & 12th graders in the spring.  Margie asked if there are any photos or video available that she can put on the website.  John thought this would be a good project for The NEST to film.  Discussion.  Nancy will ask ESL teacher to contact Margie. 

Minutes:  John moved that the minutes of the last meeting held October 11, 2018 be approved as written; Lois seconded the motion.  All in favor, the motion passed.

Old Business:  1) Steve has attended three reunions at Hoover since the last meeting, two were during Homecoming; Steve took a group of 40-50 from Classes of 1998 & 2008 on campus tour.  Then he attended third reunion on the Saturday after Homecoming for Class of ’66 70th Birthday party; he took a group of 23 on campus tour.  He reported that the c/o ’63 has their 55th reunion at the Bahia with 204 attendees. Discussion.  2) Homecoming game was postponed due to weather; game was concluded on Monday – HOOVER WON!

3)  Steve and Glynnis attending Homecoming pep rally – Seniors won!

Financial Report:   1) Steve reported that the golf tournament will be a permanent item on future financial reports.  2) We are in good financial condition; our balance is $325,180.25

Yearbook sales:  Steve reported that Eric has sold 24 yearbooks since the last meeting.  He gets calls every week from people looking for yearbooks.

Membership Update:  1) Marcia created a Facebook group for the Hoover Alumni Organization.  Join the group.  Margie can put a link on the website that goes directly to the facebook group page.  2)  Marcia has a whitepages.com account that she personally pays for.  She has gone through all delinquent members since 2015 and found changed addresses and deceased members, and will continue searching.  Margie created a newsletter teaser “here’s what you’re missing” to send to delinquent 2015s and later.  Earlier than 2015 did not receive newsletters.  Steve suggested a two-year window for delinquencies.  Out of 135 delinquent notices, we received two memberships and some answers regarding deceased members.  We have 779 members, including some delinquent; we sent out 667 newsletters.  We will be eliminating some from the rolls.  3) Marcia feels we need to do a big membership drive, and also need ability to pay by credit card/PayPal.  Margie is trying to have e-commerce on our website by April.  She will discuss with Larry.      4)  Glynnis moved to cover whitepages.com subscription cost for Marcia; John seconded the motion; Marcia said she only has to pay for it 2 to 3 times per year.  Steve said there was no need for a motion, as this is a typical covered expense.  The Alumni Organization will pay the cost.

Newsletter:  1) Newsletters were already mailed out, using bulk mailing and pre-printed addresses by the printer.  2) Steve reported that Laura Lou was having some issues with the Memory Garden.  Margie said Carol Hartsen Jensen volunteered to do it, and Laura Lou can send anything she has to Carol.  Discussion on making sure entries in Memory Garden are accurate.  Laura Lou would still like to be involved.

Scholarships:  1) Lois reserved Room 401 on April 30th for interviews; she will see if the room is available for two days so we can split up the 22 interviews.  We will again give out 22 $1,000 scholarships for University or Community College attendance.  2) Contacted by Elks Club; they are giving out $500 cash for Student of the Month throughout the year, and one $4,000 Scholarship.  Winner could be eligible for National $50,000 scholarship.  She will follow up with Tawnya.  3)  We’ve received thank-you notes from 16 of the 22 awardees so far.  John suggested publishing some of the good ones on the website.  The History Room has files for each class year; thank-you notes could be filed there.

Website:  1) Margie reported she is keeping the website as current as possible.  She needs reunion updates.  Chuck sent out emails to classes of ‘-4s and ‘-9s.  September and October minutes need to go on website; Glynnis will send to Margie.  2)  Margie will talk to Larry about cost of putting e-commerce on website and separate accounting for items, i.e., membership, golf, bricks & benches, scholarships, and designation for specific activities.  3)  Discussion regarding all the work Margie is doing.  Steve asked for input on articles and newsletter proofreading – Glynnis, Marcia and Eric can help with this.  4)  Margie will do a picture correction for the Ted Williams-captioned picture in the newsletter, which is not a picture of Ted Williams.

Merchandise Sales / Bricks & Benches:  1) John reported that we have plenty of inventory; we don’t make much money on the items, but use sales to increase membership.  Steve asked John to bring merchandise to Christmas party.  And John will bring notebook with pictures of bricks for visual.  Marcia will bring membership applications; John suggested giving in invitation envelope – Steve has some.  Margie said she will re-create both membership and bricks & benches application in Word format.  2)  John noted that benches not a good idea right now, but will continue to push brick sales.

Golf Tournament Update:  1) The tournament was a great success!  Monica reported that we made a profit of approximately $8,000 – it took over a year of planning and only four committee members.  Our original goal was $5,000.  She has not been completely reimbursed yet, so number is not exact.  She would like to have more committee members next year.  Steve said he’s gotten lots of positive feedback.  Monica plans to send out a golfer’s survey with a couple of questions about how we could improve next year.  2)  Monica recapped tournament event and breakdown of costs.  Tournament will be covered in the April newsletter, will begin promoting for next year, we will reserve $1,500 for start-up costs for next tournament.

New Business:  1) Our new member, Mark, was about skills he is bringing to the Alumni Organization.  Mark said that he has run basketball tournaments in the past, Alumni vs. Students tournaments as fundraisers.  Discussion had regarding the possibility of bringing those skills to help with the golf tournament.  2) Steve reminded all members about the Annual Hoover Alumni Christmas Party at Nicolosi’s on December 9th3)  Give extra newsletters to friends, ask them to join the Alumni Organization.  4) Next meeting will be on December 13th at 10:00 a.m.  It will be a short meeting with our annual Christmas lunch at DeMille’s to follow.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 11:42 a.m.


Hoover Alumni Organization

Minutes of the meeting held Thursday, October 11, 2018 

Call to order: Meeting called to order at 10:05 a.m.

Members Present:  Steve Barclay, Chairman; Nancy Nordell, Vice-Chair; Glynnis Aguirre, Secretary; Jim Young; Marcia Kern; Chuck Diepholz; Monica Belandres-Root; Lil Baehr; Judy Messer; Alice Staninger; Tawnya Pringle, Scholarship Counselor.

The Board used the first few minutes of the meeting for discussion and remembrances of Board Member and Newsletter Editor, Bob Battenfield, who passed away on September 30, 2018.

Tanwya Pringle – Ms. Pringle thanked the Hoover Alumni Organization for the $22,000 in scholarship donations distributed during Senior Awards Night in June.  We are receiving thank-you notes from scholarship recipients.  Discussed changing timeline for scholarship interviews to end of April.  Lois needs to be in on the discussion.  We will need to get applications out to students earlier.  Tawnya will need to reserve Room 401 for interviews; will check on availability.

Chairman’s Report:  1) Steve attended the Class of 1968 reunion; They donated $600 to the Alumni Organization, which Steve will give to Larry. Classes of 1998 & 2008 have reunions tomorrow and will be taking tour of school. 2) Steve & Glynnis will be attending Homecoming pep rally and judging class skits.  Homecoming game tomorrow evening – alumni will have special seating in the broadcast booth.  There will not be a parade down El Cajon Blvd. this year due to construction.  Floats will be on the football field.          3) Class of 1963 reunion next week; Steve will drop off newsletters and promote Alumni Organization.

Vice-Chair’s Report:  Nancy reported that she met with Vicky Banks on Monday.  She will begin mentoring after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  

Minutes:  Nancy moved that the minutes of the last meeting held September 13, 2018 be approved as written; Marcia seconded the motion.  All in favor, the motion passed.

Steve will cover agenda items/reports for those who are absent today.

1) Steve discussed requests he receives from alumni and staff regarding different issues.  He received two requests for yearbooks; he would like to put something in the newsletter listing Eric as the contact person for yearbooks.  He was also contacted by Lou, the founder of a ‘60s-‘80s classic rock band called the Nomads; they were Hoover alumni and are still playing today.  Steve said he is contacted about numerous things, and he tries to help whenever he can – goes with the title.

Merchandise Sales/ Tiles, Bricks & Benches:   1) Steve reported that merchandise sales at the c/o ’68 reunion were very successful; sold $142.  John will be selling merchandise at the golf tournament on Nov. 3rd.  Steve will ask him to order items we’ve sold out of.  2)  Steve reported on the many things that John takes care of for the Organization and School. John re-attached tops of benches that were not secured properly.  Discussed that benches are looking dirty, need way to preserve them.  Discussion regarding bricks, benches and tiles.  After construction is completed, we may have more space for benches.  We will continue to sell benches and bricks, but no tiles sales right now.  We are lucky to have John do all that he does.  3) Chuck asked if HAO plans to do a memorial brick in honor of Bob Battenfield or only his c/o ’56.  Alice said honorary brick from her class is in the works.  Discussion held.  Monica mentioned the possibility of dedicating trees; benches could be placed around/underneath trees.

Website:  Marcia mentioned placing printable membership application on the website.  Discussion had regarding the great job that Margie is doing on the website.

Membership Update:  1) Marcia reported that things are slow right now, but will get really busy after the newsletter is mailed out due to the people who received delinquency notices renewing membership.  2) We had one renewal and two deceased members since our last meeting.  We need to up our membership; class contacts are our best resources.  Discussion regarding incentives for membership – how do we get younger generations excited about joining?  Lil mentioned membership will surge when construction is finished.  Discussion regarding moving into the computer age – using social media; Marcia and Monica volunteered to be administrators for the official HAO Facebook page.  Our membership count is approximately 700 with email addresses for about half that number.  Marcia will sort by year to get younger classes.

Golf Tournament Update:  1) Monica reported on follow-up calls and emails; we added 14 golfers in the last six days.  We have brought in $9,000 and have approximately $5,000 in costs to date.  We will make a profit.  2) Margie has added our sponsors’ names/logos to our Alumni website; links will be live and clickable and will take you directly to sponsors’ websites.  We will send our golf tournament website link to our sponsors so they can see sponsorship page.  3)  We need hole monitors for the $25,000 hole-in-one contest hole.  4) Monica reminded all members that we are all responsible for paying for our own lunch.       5)  We received a golf registration from Dick Canfield (‘42) who will be golfing.  Monica would like to recognize his in some fashion at the tournament luncheon; he will be our oldest golfer.

Class POC Liaison Update:  Chuck reported that he needs a new contact person for Class of ’56.  Discussion regarding class points-of-contact – there are some gaps in ‘80s, ‘90s and 2000s.  Marcia can look up class presidents and VPs, etc., to get some class contacts using whitepages.com

Newsletter:  1) Judy reported that Margie has newsletter pages laid out.  Judy has info for AP class article from Diane Conti.  Discussion regarding formatting, etc.  There will be a learning curve for this newsletter.  2) Chuck will check with classes of ‘-4s and ‘-9s for upcoming reunions.  3)  Margie has allocated space in the newsletter for the tournament.  We need to get it to the printer, and will have 3 days to do the printing.  Next meeting, Nov. 15th, we can do assembly after business meeting.  4)  Steve needs to work on the non-profit mailing status with post office.  Discussion.

New Business:  1) Discussion held regarding promoting Hoover and City Heights neighborhood.  Also discussed increasing membership and moving into the electronic age.  2)  Steve and Larry still working on possible c/o ’32 grad donation to the Alumni Organization.  3)  Discussed possible fundraising campaign tie-in to school construction in the next year, something along the lines of what was done for the 80-year celebration.  Discussion.

Homecoming:  Homecoming is tomorrow, October 12, 2018.  Pep rally @ 1:00pm.  Game vs Clairemont at 7:00pm

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.


Hoover Alumni Organization

Minutes of the meeting held Thursday, September 13, 2018 

Call to order: Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m.

Members Present:  Steve Barclay, Chairman; Alice Staninger, Vice-Chair; Jim Young, Treasurer; Glynnis Aguirre, Secretary; Marcia Kern; Nancy Nordell; John Adkins; Chuck Diepholz; Eric Wong; Monica Belandres-Root; Larry Hall; Margie Boyd Reynolds; Lois Draper; Lil Baehr; Judy Messer; and Vice-Principal Diane Conti.

Steve welcomed Lil Baehr and Judy Messer (c/o ’65) to the meeting.  Board member introductions.

Steve also informed the Board that Bob Battenfield would not be returning due to illness.  (It is with great sadness that we report that our friend and newsletter editor, Bob Battenfield, passed away on September 30th.  He will be greatly missed.)

Election of Officers:  Steve reported that Alice has decided to no longer serve as an officer on the Board.  Jim will run the election.  Officer positions are for 2-year terms.

Chairman:  Margie nominated Steve; Nancy seconded the nomination.  No other nominations were put forth.  Larry moved to close the nomination; John seconded the motion.  In a unanimous vote, Steve Barclay was elected to serve as Chairman.

Vice-Chair:  Glynnis nominated Nancy; Marcia seconded the motion. No other nominations were put forth.  Marcia moved to close the nominations; John seconded the motion.  In a unanimous vote, Nancy Nordell was elected to serve as Vice-Chair.

Treasurer:  There is no longer the office of Treasurer; money is handled through the Hoover Foundation.

Secretary:  Nancy nominated Glynnis; Chuck seconded the motion.  No other nominations were put forth.  Eric moved to close the nominations; John seconded the motion.  In a unanimous vote, Glynnis Aguirre was elected to serve as Secretary.

Vice-Principal Diane Conti:  Discussed with the Board her work with AP classes in partnership with Equal Opportunity Schools to increase accessibility to AP classes and increase student outcomes on AP tests.  She discussed the AP class program at Hoover and funding for science and math classes through a NMSI grant.  She is hoping to find some similar type of funding for history and Spanish.  Discussion.  Ms. Conti distributed fliers outlining the program and stated that Hoover’s scores were noticeably improved last year.

Chairman’s Report:  1) Steve discussed our summer projects, thanked those who came out for Clean-Up Day, said the Principal was very impressed.  He thanked John for all he does.  Larry reported at the Staff Breakfast June 14th we served 160 people, and at the Staff Lunch on September 24th we served 170-175 people.  Steve thanked Larry for organizing both events.  Steve feels these would be good newsletter articles. Teachers appreciated being taken care of.  Hoover Groover BBQ continues to grow. Our resale items total sales were over $1,000 at the BBQ.  2)  Steve reported Eric went to the Baseball Hall of Fame and brought back replica Ted Williams plaque; it is now in the alumni archives.  3) Steve will be attending three reunions to speak on behalf of the Alumni Organization. He cannot attend all and needs volunteers to help.  4)  Steve and Larry discussed possibility of another Hoover donor; they are in talks now.  5)  Steve reported that the UT has had nine consecutive articles about Ted Williams’ 100th birthday.  He brought in Dick Enberg book about Ted to be used as a drawing prize at the golf tournament.  He discussed that City Hall had a presentation to mark Ted’s birthday using some of our items; they have all been returned.  We loaned five items to a museum in California; they have been insured for $50,000 and are in good hands.  This has all been possible due to our hard work last summer documenting our archive/memorabilia items.

Vice-Chair’s Report:  Alice discussed her decision to step away from her position on the Board.  She will come back and visit when she can.

Minutes:  Margie moved that the minutes of the last meeting held June 14, 2018 be approved as written; Nancy seconded the motion.  All in favor, the motion passed.

Financial Report:  1) Larry presented the financial statement for Jan.1 – Aug. 31, 2018.  Discussion was had regarding cost of newsletter.  He reported that we have spent all of the Goodall Scholarship grant, we’ve spent a small amount of the Robinson Trust, and still have total amount of the Kirk Trust.  We are in good shape for scholarships.  2)  Discussion regarding possibly moving scholarship process schedule up one month to try to improve upfront paperwork.  Larry and Lois will talk to Tawnya.

Website:  Margie reported there are no new activities other than reunions.  Discussion held.

Newsletter:  Discussion held regarding how we will handle the upcoming newsletter since Bob is not here.  Margie will try to retrieve info from Bob’s computer and work on formatting.  Newsletter usually goes out in October.  It will need to be a group effort.  Judy Messer will be heading up the newsletter in the future.  Judy is a writer and was the editor of “The Cardinal” while attending Hoover.  Discussion held regarding articles to be included in the upcoming newsletter and who will write them.  There will be a tribute to our prior editor, Bob Battenfield, included.  Work on keeping newsletter to 8 pages to save on costs.  Margie will work with Judy on formatting.

Class POC Liaison Update:  No report.  Chuck asked if there was another point of contact for c/o ’56 80th birthday party.

Yearbook Update: Eric reported we’ve sold 32 yearbooks for $640, received $197.96 in donations, plus $70 for shipping fees. ($907.96 total).  To date we’ve sold 88 books, earning $2,681.41.

Bricks, Tiles & Benches//Resale/Goodall Sign:  1) John reported that we have plenty of resale inventory on hand.  2) Bench project is completed, tops glued down.  New product works well. 3)  Discussion held regarding Goodall sign project; it needs to be completed, done correctly.  John reported it is a work in progress.  No completion date set.  4)  Brick/bench promotion on hold; tiles will no longer be sold.

Tiles we have already will be placed inside auditorium after construction is completed.

Golf Tournament Update:  Monica reported we are still registering golfers.  Need promotion of tournament at the reunions.  We’ve received great prize donations.  Looking for more bodies on the course – goal is 72.

Discussion held regarding hole sponsorships, opportunity drawing, advertising, possibly posting on electronic board in front of school.  Steve will give SDUSD contact info.

Membership Update:  Marcia reported for Aug/Sept we have 8 new and 5 renewals for annual membership; 6 new life members; and $220 in scholarship donations.  She promoted membership at Hoover Groover BBQ, and Eric includes membership application in each yearbook he sells.

Mentoring Update:  Nancy reported no new mentoring connection, needs contact info.  Steve informed her that contact is Vicky Banks and gave Vicky’s contact information.

Homecoming:  Homecoming is Friday, October 12, 2018.  Steve will do campus tour and homecoming game with Class of 2008.  Pep rally @ 1:00pm.  Game vs Clairemont at 7:00pm

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 11:02 a.m.


Hoover Alumni Organization

Minutes of the meeting held Thursday, June 14, 2018 

Call to order: Meeting called to order at 10:03 a.m.

Members Present:  Steve Barclay, Chairman; Alice Staninger, Vice-Chair; Jim Young, Treasurer; Glynnis Aguirre, Secretary; Marcia Kern; Nancy Nordell; Ed Balinger; John Adkins; Chuck Diepholz; Eric Wong; Monica Belandres-Root.

Chairman’s Report:  1) Steve reported that Senior Awards Night was a great success.  The Alumni Organization awarded 22 $1,000 scholarships.  Total amount of scholarships awarded was $2,043,000.

2) Hoover was featured in the news twice in one week.  Hoover Quilt Program was front-page news story in the U-T.  Steve mentored many of these kids.  He explained what the Quilt Program is.  The story of the quilt project had never been told outside of Hoover until this year.  It was also on two local news stations. http://www.cbs8.com/story/38385224/hoover-quilt-program-helps-students-learn-english  Hoover cafeteria lady gifted a car, was on the news locally and featured nationally on CBS News Sunday Morning. http://www.cbs8.com/story/38346727/san-diego-high-school-students-surprise-food-service-worker-with-car  3) Staff breakfast this morning sponsored by the Alumni Organization was very successful.  Thank you, Larry Hall, and all the alumni volunteers for your hard work.  4) A pub in Kensington wants to install a picture of Hoover above the bar. Interesting – Discussion held. 5) Steve spoke to seven senior classes about the Alumni Organization last Thursday.  6) Steve will attend reunions for classes 1963, 1998 and 2008.  Nancy and Marcia will represent the Alumni Organization at their C/O 1968 reunion.  7) Cleanup Day is August 11th.  It will be scaled back this year due to construction.  Cafeteria Hall of Fame photos will be one of the cleaning projects.  John will check on whether we need to do anything about the trophies.  8) August 18th is Hoover-Groover BBQ.  9)  An anonymous alumnus is considering making a large donation to Hoover; there is a possibility of having a building named in his/her honor. This is in the beginning stages – Steve will set up a meeting.

Vice-Chair’s Report:  1) Alice reminded us all that our end-of-year lunch is today at DeMille’s at noon.

2) Alice’s lunch group may possibly donate to Hoover music department.  3) Discussed scholarship interviews, doing 22 interviews made for a long day.  Discussed possibly doing over two days.

Minutes1) There were no May minutes, as the May meeting was cancelled. 2) Jim moved to accept the April 12th minutes as prepared; John seconded the motion; All in favor, the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  Discussion was held regarding our finances.  Steve reported that we are financially sound, with adequate scholarship funds.  We may discuss increasing amounts in the Fall.  Most funds are designated for scholarships.  Any new money received from sales will go to general fund for miscellaneous things we need to do. 

Mural/Bricks, Tiles & Benches/Theater seats/Resale:  1) John presented better photos for the website of the mural that he removed; made in 2003 by Hoover and SDSU art students; it will be re-installed after construction, but no definite destination yet.  2) John has been working with new adhesive for benches.  We also need to place new benches that have been purchased.  Discussion was held regarding different types of benches; Glynnis mentioned the coated metal ones used by City of La Mesa and Grossmont High School.  Most likely cost-prohibitive.  3) John reported theater seats are removed from the auditorium.  We need to get info on website and social media.  $20/seat.  School may keep a set of seats for installation in new auditorium as a memento. 4) John had no report on t-shirts.  Monica stated that golfers would like t-shirts, if we can get some done.  5)  Steve mentioned that we should try to sell yearbooks at Hoover-Groover picnic – need order form.  We can also publicize the golf tournament there. 6) Discussion held about resale items – cups and car decals/clings.  We need to focus on money-makers.  7) John got photo of old school copied – four feet long, black & white print, not mounted.

Scholarship Update:  Monica reported that the scholarship awards were a great success.  Last year there was a half million dollars awarded, and this year over 2 million dollars awarded.  She also mentioned we need to have someone to photograph every group of awardees.

Golf Tournament Update:  Monica reported that sponsorships have trickled in. We do not accept PayPal/online payments, as this would require Foundation to open separate bank account.  Discussion held.  Ed was asked to join the golf committee.  Monica explained our “Principal’s Circle” donor levels are the higher-level donors; our registration form is ready for distribution and placement on the website and social media; Our Hole-in-One prize is $25,000; all golfers receive a certificate for a free golf club.  We are in need of silent auction and raffle prizes. 

Membership/Newsletter Update:  1) Marcia did another audit, with Margie’s help with sorting.  She reported the newsletters that contained delinquency notices worked, as we received over 40 renewals.  Discussion held regarding whether to stop sending newsletters to delinquent members – 137 were sent notices that this was their last newsletter.  Discussed possibly sending postcard renewal reminder instead.     2) Discussion about how much newsletter info should be put on the website.

Class POC Liaison Update:  Chuck reported that he will put out Hoover-related message before picnic.  He will include theater seat info, construction photo and update, golf info within the next month.  He will also mention membership and ask POCs to pass on to their classes.

Sports Update:  Ed reported he did a recap of 2017-18 sports – (Boys) Football 1-9; Soccer 13-7-1,       Conf 5-2-1; Basketball 10-4, Conf 9-1; Baseball 7-16, Conf 4-7; Volleyball 11-6, Conf 7-5; JV Volleyball CIF Div II Champs.  (Girls) Soccer 9-7, Conf 6-2; Basketball 12-8, Conf 9-6; Softball 9-18, Conf 1-7; Volleyball 6-7, Conf 3-5. 

Yearbook Update: Eric reported that we sold 2 more yearbooks.  We’ve had some inquiries. Eric sent inventory to Margie.  Classes of 1961 and 1984 donated books.

Mentoring Update:  Nancy reported that mentoring was a very positive experience.  They finished up Romeo and Juliet unit.  She has already been contacted by another teacher for mentoring next year.  They need more mentors.  There are a wide variety of students who need individual help, motivation and positive reinforcement – not just tutoring.  Steve mentioned that Vicky Banks wants to talk to Nancy about mentoring.

Other Business:  John discussed that fencing in front of school didn’t stop kids from getting in; Police were contacted.  John talked to one of the SDPD officers on scene.  The officer was the first Somali refugee to become a San Diego Police Officer.  John thought it would be good idea to have him come to speak to Hoover students.

Officer Elections:  Steve mentioned that we are supposed to have election of officers in September.  Glynnis and Nancy mentioned that we previously decided on elections every two years, in even-numbered years.  Glynnis will research the prior minutes and report back next meeting.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 11:33 a.m.


Hoover Alumni Organization

May meeting was not held.


Hoover Alumni Organization

Minutes of the meeting held Thursday, April 12, 2018

Call to order: Meeting called to order at 10:05 a.m.

Members Present:  Steve Barclay, Chairman; Alice Staninger, Vice-Chair; Glynnis Aguirre, Secretary;  Larry Hall; Marcia Kern; Nancy Nordell; Bob Battenfield; Ed Balinger; John Adkins; Margie Reynolds; Chuck Diepholz; Eric Wong; Margot Kasch, guest.

Chairman’s Report:  1) Steve reported that he and John plan to remove auditorium seats.  Larry added that the Principal sent an email to staff that the auditorium would be fenced off for demolition on April 27th.  Seats need to be removed before that date.  2) Discussion held regarding donated gym cages; John meeting with Michael after our meeting to discuss logistics.  Steve and John will handle this. 3) Orange Glen alum who was interested in getting information on starting an alumni organization like ours for her school drove down to meet with Steve.  She was referred to the Hoover Alumni Organization from someone at USC.         4) Steve was invited to lunch with Jack Goodall.  Jack was very pleased that we were able to match his $25,000 donation through our “Match Jack” campaign.  Steve updated him on the Goodall Walkway sign.

Bricks, Tiles & Benches:  Steve reported benches have been inspected, and adhesive has failed on some of the tops, which is a liability concern for the school.  Since we brought the benches to the campus, we need to repair; Will look into stronger adhesive to repair.

Vice-Chair’s Report:  None.

Minutes:  Marcia moved to accept the minutes as prepared; Chuck seconded the motion; All in favor, the motion carried.

Scholarship Update:  1) Larry reported that John Baker’s wife sent a $1,000 donation; she would like to know if we plan to use it this year or next.  Steve met with Tawnya to discuss interviews and if we could add one more student.  Discussion held.  2)  Margie moved that we add one more scholarship this year, for a total of 22; John seconded the motion; All in favor, the motion carried.  3) Marcia needs info on deceased alumni for database, and needs to know what checks have been received so she can send out thank-you notes.           4)  John asked about what happens when a life-membership alumni passes away; does the spouse continue to received the newsletter? Discussion held.  There was a consensus that, no, the spouse does not continue to receive the newsletter.  Life membership is for the life of the alumnus.  Larry added that the donation from Mrs. Baker is in memory of John Baker.  He feels she should receive the newsletter; Marcia will add her to the database.

Website Update:  Margie made some changes to the website pages.  She would like us to look through the website for errors.  Since we are a school organization, website should be error-free.

Membership/Newsletter:  Marcia reported that we have 598 current Annual and Life members that need no insert in their newsletters.  We have 191 expired memberships that will have inserts for renewal included with their newsletters.

Yearbook Update:  1) Steve reported that we received 2 more yearbooks to add to inventory. 2) Eric discussed putting the yearbooks on sale for years that we have large inventories. It was discussed that if we go to reunions that have large inventories for that year, we should be taking yearbooks to sell.  3)  Larry mentioned storage issue due to construction – we need to sell as many as possible.  Margie said there is already a “yearbooks for sale” link on the website, but not the specific inventory.  Eric will send Margie the inventory list.

Sports Update: 1) Ed reported that the baseball team will play Kearny at Petco Park on Friday, April 20th at 1:00 p.m.  $10 for Hoover game only (open seating); $15 for Hoover game and Padres game the following weekend (ticketed seating).  Tickets can be purchased online.   At this time they are 1-0 in conference play (beat Morse 6-1).  2)  Ed has been trying to contact the athletic director, Vanessa, but hasn’t been able to get in touch with her.  3) Schedules are printed for all sports into May.  4)  Baseball coach has set up a fundraising website, but has not had the best results.  He is looking to us for support.  Discussion held.  We have decided in the past that this becomes a problem because we are continually asked to support all the different groups/sports, and have run out of money.  It was discussed that it is possible to help out groups if we set up a system where the kids help us with events, etc., they can possibly earn support funds.

Golf Tournament:  Glynnis reported that things are moving along.  We are receiving some sponsorships.

Next meeting:  May 10, 2018 at 10:00 a.m.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 10:42 p.m.


Hoover Alumni Organization

Minutes of the meeting held Thursday, March 15, 2018

Call to order: Meeting called to order at 10:23 a.m.

Members Present:  Steve Barclay, Chairman; Jim Young, Treasurer; Glynnis Aguirre, Secretary; Monica Belandres-Root; Larry Hall; Marcia Kern; Nancy Nordell; Bob Battenfield; Ed Balinger; John Adkins; Lois Draper; Margie Reynolds; Jason Babineau, Principal; Erica Carrillo, Vice-Principal.

Principal Babineau 1) updated the Board on school construction – plans should be going to the District Board in April with notice to proceed.  Area should be blocked off and staged for demolition by late May/early June. Steve mentioned that our August clean-up project would need to be north of the construction area.  2) Discussion had regarding auditorium seats, how many we want to preserve, whether the contractor is able to remove them, and where they would be stored – if under the stadium bleachers, they need some sort of cover to protect them.  3)  Footprint of new building will be larger than previous admin building, will come out to where the grass area is presently.  4) New Vice-Principal, Erica Carrillo, is in her second full week.  5) Jason filled us in on the National Walkout Day student protest held March 14th.  Hoover was on the front page of the U-T Monday morning, and CBS came on Tuesday.  Jason said the students were “amazing.”  They started dialogue 2 weeks prior, worked on purposeful, student-led event; everyone was well behaved, created a large heart in the stadium as memorial for victims, spoke about each victim; some students watched from bleachers, others stayed in 2nd period class if they didn’t want to participate.  Jason said he was very proud of all of the students.  6) Petco Park Baseball Game on April 20th, school schedule has been shifted to minimum day so students can attend.  There will be spirit buses, etc.

Steve talked to Jason about issues surrounding having the gate opened for Board members to park prior to the meeting.  We need a 15-minute window.

Vice-Principal Erica Carrillo came in to introduce herself to the Board.  She has been in education for 17 years, came from Chula Vista dual immersion TK-12 school.  She got her master’s degree from SDSU, has 3 years administrative experience, and is very excited to be at Hoover.  Margie took photos for newsletter and website.

Bricks, Tiles & Benches:   1) Larry discussed photo-documenting the tiles located on the building that will be demolished.  John will document the tiles.  Discussion had.  2) John reported another bench order in the works, from alum Sarah Purcell Pentecost.

Minutes:  Jim moved to accept the minutes as prepared; Nancy seconded the motion; All in favor, the motion carried.

 Chairman’s Report:  1) Steve reported we may have Jack Goodall as a special guest next month; he was unable to make it today.  Steve will meet with him to update him on “Match Jack” campaign and would like to update him on the Walk of Champions sign.  2) Discussion had about an Orange Glen H.S. 1981 alum who is very interested in starting an alumni organization for her school and wants to model it after us.  Our reputation is out there. She plans to attend one of our meetings to see how we operate.

Vice-Chair’s Report:  None.  (Alice Not present)

Scholarship Update:  1) Larry reported everything is being put in place for scholarships.  Discussion had regarding numbers and amounts of scholarships for this year.  2) Marcia moved that we give out 21 $1,000 scholarships this year, and then we can revisit the issue for next year and decide if we want to give a larger dollar amount; Jim seconded the motion; All in favor, the motion carried.  3) Discussion about how the Mongrue scholarship will be distributed.  4) Lois reported that all scholarships from last year have been paid out.  5) Scholarship interviews will be May 17th, lasting most of the day.  Steve, Jim, Glynnis, Margie and Nancy meet here at 8:30 a.m.  Lois will have list of questions.  Tawnya will provide packets of student info.

Newsletter Update:  1) Bob distributed mockup of newsletter, and went over items that will be included (awards night, golf tournament, articles, reunions.)  He needs to get dates for events confirmed.  Awards night is May 31st; Lois will confirm the time. He is in discussion with Nancy Aguilar about the Mongrue scholarship donation; it is still a work in progress 2) Board member list and titles was discussed; Bob will update list. 3) Discussion regarding Walt Baranski being inducted into the San Diego Hall of Champions; possible article for next newsletter. His wife, Janice, may attend next month’s meeting.  4)  We will assemble newsletter after next month’s meeting, April 12th.  Printer deadline for last-minute items is April 6th.

5)  Margie will print labels for newsletter.

Membership:  1) Marcia reported on the updated membership database.  We have 795 total entries, including delinquent members.  2) Discussion had regarding whether we will continue to send newsletter to delinquent members or not.  Decided we will send one last newsletter with delinquency notice included.       3) We need to have a brainstorming session to increase membership.

Golf Tournament:  1) Monica asked about possibly having online payments for the golf tournament through Paypal or other online payment systems.  Larry said the Foundation uses Paypal.  He will look into having a separate golf account.  2) Monica reported that things are moving along, got donated printing of sponsor letters which she, Margie, Lois and Glynnis will prepare for mailing today after the meeting. Save-The-Date emails will go out soon to class POCs and social media.  3)  Trying to have all golf-related info going out through the hoovergolfing@gmail.com email to keep it simple. 4) We already have some donations and hole sponsors.  5) Asking Board members to pass on information to any golfers, not just Hoover alums.

Website Update:  Margie made some changes to the website, and continues to update content regularly.  Steve added that Clean-up Day is August 11th, and the Hoover-Groover BBQ is August 18th.

Resale/Memorabilia Update:  None.

Goodall Sign Update:  John reported woodshop unable to assist.  Materials chosen; need to do the labor.

Sports Update:  Steve tasked Ed to speak to the baseball coach about the upcoming Petco Park game.

Other Business:  1) Nancy reported that she has begun tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Mrs. Aimee D’Spain’s English class in the Academy of Social Justice.  She is really enjoying it and plans to continue in the Fall.  2)  Discussion had regarding the numerous Facebook pages with Hoover name attached.

Next meeting:  April 12, 2018 at 10:00 a.m.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 12:29 p.m.


Hoover Alumni Organization

Minutes of the meeting held Thursday, February 21, 2018

Call to order: Jim Young, Treasurer, called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m.

Members Present:  Jim Young, Treasurer; Glynnis Aguirre, Secretary; John Adkins, Lois Draper, Monica Belandres-Root, Margie Reynolds, Marcia Kern, Larry Hall, Dona Clabby; and guests: Principal Jason Babineau, Tawnya Pringle, Vanessa Stahley, John Bendy, Bonnie Demming, and Dana Dykes

Chairman’s Report:  None.  (Steve not present)

Vice-Chair’s Report:  None.  (Alice Not present)

Athletic Director, Vanessa Stahley introduced herself to the Board and introduced John Bendy as the new Varsity Baseball Coach.  1) Vanessa informed us that the Baseball team will again be playing at Petco Park on April 20th at 1:00 p.m.  Tickets on sale at Hoover for $10 for Hoover game only, $12 for Padres vs. Mets game only, or $15 for both games.  2) She informed us that all winter sports teams have made it to the 2nd round of CIF playoffs.  3)  Boys Basketball game Friday the 23rd at 7:00 p.m.  4) Hoover Athletics website is www.HHCardinals.com for scores, photos and schedules.  Margie will put all that information on our alumni website.  5) Hoover alum and past Olympic hurdler, James King, is coming back to Hoover to help coach track & field.  Jim and John offered that we can possibly put that info in the upcoming newsletter with before & after photos.

Baseball Coach John Bendy introduced himself to the Board.  Coach Bendy began coaching at Sunshine Little League in 1995, has been at Hoover since 2011 coaching JV baseball, and has now moved to the position of Varsity Head Coach.  1) He informed us that the Alumni Baseball Game would be held Saturday February 24th at 11:00 a.m. with a BBQ after the game. 2) The baseball team is looking for a volunteer scorekeeper on an ongoing basis.  3) The District no longer provides buses for sports teams, so the team is in need of a volunteer driver, who would need to get a chauffer’s license in order to drive students.  Discussion had regarding transportation options. 4) Team is doing fundraising through Fan Cloth for sales of Hoover gear.

Guest, Dana Dykes was introduced by John.  Dana donated her mom’s (’42) class ring and her dad’s (’44) varsity letter.  Her dad was drafted in 1950, trained and died at Ft. Rosecrans before she was born.  She is visiting Hoover to see her parents’ yearbooks.  Margie took photos of Dana with her parents’ yearbooks during the meeting.

Minutes:   Margie moved to accept the minutes as prepared; John seconded the motion; All in favor, the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  (None from Jim).  1) Larry reported that scholarship funding is going well.  By the end of January we had raised $4,800, plus the $22,000 we had raised earlier toward the “Match Jack” campaign goal of $25,000.  We have exceeded our goal.  We will continue to add monies to “Match Jack”.  Steve will notify Jack Goodall that we have matched his donation, as he requested.  2) We had a donation of $1,100 from Class of ’51, which was deposited last week.  3) We need operating funds in addition to scholarship funds.  We are just breaking even on dues and newsletter.  4) Larry just paid our sale taxes $91 to the State of California for sales tax we collected.  We need to start purchasing using our resale permit so that we are not paying sales tax twice.  5) Sales of yearbooks are $20 including tax, which amounts to $18.66 for the book and $1.34 in tax.  It is easiest to do it with sales tax included, then extrapolate it back out.  6)  Funds for groups on campus are taking up more time due to more groups depositing funds for the Hoover Foundation to hold.  7)  Larry has a list of dues payers to give to Marcia for 2017.  8) Lois asked for clarification on the Nancy Aguilar $15,000 scholarship donation.  Larry will talk to her to get final amount of each scholarship and for how many years.

Guest, Bonnie Demming (Class of ’51 Cheerleader) came in to introduce herself and share photos from her years at Hoover.  She taught with City School for 40 years, teaching history and GATE program.  Her class just donated $1100 to the Alumni Organization.

Scholarship Update:  1) Tawnya Pringle discussed upcoming scholarship interviews with the Board.  Interviews will take place Thursday 5/17 at 8:30 a.m. She will reserve room from 8:30 to 2:30 with a lunch break since we have more students this year.  Alumni Organization and Hoover Foundation will give out 20 $1,000 scholarships, so we will do 22 interviews and choose 20 awardees.  Lois will let Tawnya know how many Board members will participate.

2) Lois informed us that the issue with Jocelyn’s scholarship has been worked out.

Newsletter Update:  1) Jim reported that Bob sent mockup of newsletter to Steve.  2) We have less expensive printing costs with new printer.  We will eventually have printer print the bulk rate postage and addresses.  Margie is printing address labels for now.  3) Discussion had regarding sending notices with newsletter to those who are delinquent on membership dues stating that this is the last newsletter they will receive unless they renew.

Membership:  Marcia reported that she put blurb about renewing membership on various Hoover-affiliated Facebook pages, and has received good response.

Golf Tournament:  1) Monica reported the golf tournament date is November 3rd, 2018.  She is now at the point of needing volunteers to help with sponsors, donations for raffles and silent auctions.  She has the past tourney donor list, has a P.O. Box in El Cajon for golf tournament use only, and is working on designing letterhead for the tournament.  Monica will pick up checks and deliver to Larry, who will do the banking.  Emcee for event is c/o ’85 alum.  We need to send out donor letter to classes; we will put one together so that the same thing is being sent out to all classes. Save-the-Date will be sent to Chuck to forward to all Class POCs.  2) Glynnis, Margie and Lois volunteered to be on the Tournament Committee.  First meeting will be Monday at 11:30 a.m. at Admiral Baker.  3) Marcia volunteered for day-of-event help, along with her classmate Cathy Wright.

Bricks & Benches Update:  Dona reported two benches, one with the Alma Mater and one for Jay Goodwin, are awaiting installation.  Discussion had regarding school construction and putting off installation of benches until completion.  John and Dona will talk about what needs to be done about the benches.

Other Business:  1) Marcia asked for clarification on use of funds between the Foundation and the Alumni Organization.  Larry said basically all funds are now merged together, and it is up to both Boards to decide on the use of operating funds.  2) Monica asked about students groups volunteering for events we hold in order to receive funds for campus activities.  3) Larry asked if we want to hold an end-of-year event for the staff.  Discussion had.  Cost would be $500 or less.  John moved to use $500 or less for the end-of-year staff event; Lois seconded the motion; All in favor, the motion carried. 4) Larry also asked about possibility of sponsoring the 2nd semester Academic Excellence Awards.  Principal allocated funds he thought went to the kids’ awards, but that was not the case.  Cost would be approx. $500.  We can call it the “Hoover Alumni Organization Academic Excellence Awards.”  Jason needs to know ASAP.  Glynnis moved to use $500 for the Academic Excellence Awards; Margie seconded the motion; All in favor, the motion carried.  5)  Marcia asked Glynnis to make a list of the items that we said would be addressed at the next few meetings that still need to be discussed.  Glynnis said she would.

Next meeting:  March 15, 2018 at 10:15 a.m.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 12:24 p.m.


Hoover Alumni Organization

Minutes of the meeting held Thursday, January 11, 2018

Call to order: 10:35 a.m.

Members Present:  Steve Barclay, Chairman; Alice Staninger, Vice-Chair; Jim Young, Treasurer; Glynnis Aguirre, Secretary; Bob Battenfield, John Adkins, Lois Draper, Monica Belandres-Root, Chuck Diepholz, Marcia Kern, Eric Wong, and Principal Jason Babineau

Chairman’s Report:  1) We have received a $15,000 scholarship donation from Nancy Aguilar (c/o ’99) in memory of her favorite teacher Lee Mongrue.  Steve sent thank-you note.  2) Discussed passing of Dick Enberg.  Steve had just met with Dick’s literary agent, Tom Catlin. Dick’s book is titled “Being Ted Williams”; it is finished, just adding pictures and credits.  We may be mentioned for providing photos.  Steve will keep in touch with Tom.  Dick discussed doing a monthly broadcast about other notable Hoover alumni; don’t know what will come of that project now.  There is a ceremony planned to honor Dick at Petco Park in March.  3) A few of us attended alumni night at Boy’s basketball game. Monica attended the wrestling alumni event; she informed us that we have a female wrestler, Angelina, who is 3rd in the county; coach believes she will go to State, possibly win it.  Other alumni events are listed on our website.  4) Discussion regarding soccer fundraising efforts.  There were two separate fundraisers; they have now combined efforts.  5)  Class of ’54 having reunion at Admiral Baker January 29th; Steve cannot attend, Alice will go instead.    6) Hoover Foundation has provided info on golf tournament to Monica, and all are willing to help.

Vice-Chair’s Report:  Alice discussed Christmas party and possibility of having introductions.  Discussion had regarding whether introducing 52+ people would take a lot of time and be a distraction.  Name tags could be a good solution.

Minutes:   Bob moved to accept the minutes as prepared; Jim seconded the motion; All in favor, the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: None.

Membership:  Marcia reported that all databases are current.  We have lost some members who passed away.  She has received 50-60 renewals from delinquency notices, and received scholarship donations of $300 from class of ’67 and $250 from alum who sent a check from left-over monies from reunion.  2) Discussion regarding increasing membership.  Bob feels we’re not being aggressive enough in getting people to join.  Marcia discussed that we’ve sent out email letters to class points-of-contact.  She will address this on various Hoover facebook pages.  We need to come up with creative ways to get the word out, possibly sending out postcards, doing an email postcard through class POCs. Marcia has a postcard she can re-work and send a sample to Board members. Monica added that we can’t put everyone into the same box; we need to use more than one method to get the word out.  Steve has spoken to the SDUSD marketing team in the past, and may do so again to get ideas.  Discussed using multiple approaches at once, getting a plan put in place at next meeting.  It was also discussed that we need our own Alumni Organization facebook page.

Newsletter Update:  1) Bob reported that we’ll do newsletter production in April.  We will include construction update, new Vice-Principal announcement.  We don’t have a lead story yet, but have a few possible feature articles, i.e., Hattie Bryant’s PBS program, Vincent Adrunas’ U-T lifestyle column, Hoover Hall of Fame, Steve’s column, and calendar of events. Steve said the newsletter is our chance to tell people about the good things we do at Hoover and notable alumni.  John added that the HOF photos in the cafeteria would be a good picture for the article. 2)  Bob reported that the new printer we use for our newsletter was voted Best Local Print Shop for 2016 & 2017.  3) Deadline for submissions is March 8th, and target date for printing is April 6-10.  April 12th meeting we will assemble newsletter. 4) Monica asked about possibility of getting new cardinal logo artwork to use for newsletter.  Eric mentioned putting out a request for people to submit original artwork they are willing to donate for our use.

Scholarship Update:  Lois reported she needs clarification on scholarship distribution.  She received a call regarding Jocelyn Dominguez’ $1000, that SDSU never received the check.  She also needs to know where the thank-you notes are.  Need to check with Tawnya, and see if we can get a record of the check.  2)  Steve mentioned that next year our total scholarship distribution will go up to $20,000 each from the Alumni Organization and the Hoover Foundation (total ($40,000).  Discussion had regarding distribution amounts.  Steve suggested that we try to have Tawnya present at the next meeting.  3)  Lois reported that she sent an email to Mark Johnson, who is attending community college, but has gotten no response.  Steve stated if we get no response, we don’t give out money.

Principal Jason Babineau:  1) Jason gave us a construction update.  He reported that every month the construction start date gets pushed back.  He was just told it will go to the Board in April; until Board approves, we probably shouldn’t put anticipated start date in the newsletter.  2) Mary & Jack Goodall sign, we need to highlight that we are working on it to improve and make more visible.  3)  The Vice-Principal position closed yesterday; Level 1 interviews next week, Level 2 interviews January 29th, should have replacement by end of February.  Jason wants to do a very thorough job to get the right person in the position, and will not just hire someone just to get the job filled. 4) There was a lock-down drill today, which is done every year in order to be prepared. 5)  Steve asked who is in charge of the calendar.  Jason said Kitty Gabriel is in charge at the District level, and Blanca is in charge at Hoover and inputs the dates on the website.  6)  Jason discussed work that he feels needs to be done at Hoover, there are certain things that are below standards as far as site maintenance.  January 20th kids at Saturday School will be doing campus beautification.  Basic needs need to be met as far as a clean campus and classrooms; he wants the kids to take ownership and pride in their campus.  Steve and Glynnis notified Jason that Todd Doxey banner in the gym needed to be re-hung, and that lighting outside gym is out. 7) Bob needs Principal’s Message for April newsletter.  8) Steve asked if there would be a conflict if we asked for submissions for a new cardinal image.  Jason said there would be no conflict; he trusts our decision.  9)  Board members introduced themselves to Jason.

Resale Update:  1) John asked if we are able to market the sheds from the woodshop program for sale on our website.  There are two construction-grade sheds, built by students, oversized (would need special trailer and possibly a permit). Large shed is 15’ high w/porch for $2,000; Small shed is 12’ high for $1,500.  2)  John is looking at other sources for shirts and coffee cups.  Discussion.

Yearbook Sales:  Eric reported we’ve sold 41 yearbooks at $20 each ($820) plus $147.45 reimbursement for shipping.  We received an additional $510 in donations.  Sales have slowed a bit; we can announce again in newsletter.

Golf Tournament: Monica reported that four people have committed to be sponsors, two of which committed $1,000 each.  Next Thursday she will talk with Foundation about signage and to pick their brains about past tourneys.  Cost will be in the low $40 range per person.  Need to work on tournament name.

POCs Report:  Chuck discussed the need to update all of our forms with the correct name of our organization.

Other Business:  1) John reported that previous request from woodshop teacher for monetary help for students to build projects has been taken care of through special funding from the District.  2)  Steve wanted to remind everyone that our meetings are open for anyone interested to attend.  He also stated that our goal is to make Hoover a bright spot in the community of City Heights.

Next meeting:  February 8, 2018 at 10:15 a.m.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.